A Journey with Brendan

A Journey with Brendan

By None

Format: Audiobook

Publication Date: 28 Aug 2018


Out of Stock

ISBN: 9781706915874


Today, 1 in 60 children are on the autism spectrum. There is a 24 to 36 month wait in the United Kingdom for diagnosis and many families are desperate for help, advice and reassurance. Dr May Ng's book is full of useful tips and is a must-read for parents and carers of a child with autism. Through her knowledge both as an award-winning paediatrician and as the mother of a 13-year-old son with autism, May provides a first-hand account of bringing up a child with autism, bringing together a wide range of resources and practical advice to help families cope. Over the years, May researched, tried and documented almost every therapy available for autism public and private, mainstream and alternative. She worked with persistence and patience to teach Brendan to manage basic life skills for himself. Today, Brendan is a happy 13-year-old in an autism school and is able to do many things they once believed might not be possible. This is a highly practical account of the difficulties faced with raising a child with autism and offers comfort to other parents in the same position, as well as the hope that their child can live happy, healthy and fulfilled lives.


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