Ed & Lily

Ed & Lily

By Sofia Due

Format: Paperback

(5 customer reviews)

Publication Date: 28 Aug 2021


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Categories: Contemporary, Romance

ISBN: 9781913913298


Ed & Lily have a problem. It’s the day before Christmas Eve and the relationship everyone believed was rock solid is in trouble. It’s not just the past getting in the way, it’s the present too.

They’ve got thirty-six hours before they fly to Iceland for a snowy Christmas break. Can they resolve their differences or will their plane leave London without them?

A story about love, loss and chasing your dreams.

Sofia Due was born and raised in London where she still resides today. Her first degree was in Modern Languages but she later converted to law and re-qualified as a solicitor. She is now a director of a large legal aid firm and specialises in civil liberties and human rights work, particularly for asylum-seekers and victims of human trafficking. Ed & Lily is her debut novel and is partially inspired by her experiences in and out of work.


NetGalley review - 24 Dec, 2021

Cute story, a light and easy read. Loved Ed and Lily's relationship, but they also really frustrated me - wanted to bang their heads together throughout. A lovely ending, well written.

Original review: https://www.netgalley.co.uk/book/234826/review/726961

NetGalley review - 05 Oct, 2021

I loved the pace of this book - it kept me hooked well into the night to the point that I was struggling to keep my eyes open but I was desperate to know what happened next between the characters! A fun little romance with loveable characters and an endearing plot.

Original review: https://www.netgalley.co.uk/book/234826/review/876197

NetGalley review - 17 Sep, 2021

I really enjoyed this title and highly recommend. I feel this will make an excellent addition to anyone’s book collection. Please be sure to go and pick this one up!

Original review: https://www.netgalley.co.uk/book/234826/review/870514

NetGalley review - 17 Sep, 2021

A story about the relationship of Ed and Lily. I enjoyed the book but felt that they both could do with a visit to Relate to learn about communication!! It frustrated me no end but I still couldn't put the book down. A lovely romance if you can get past shouting "talk to each other". Could that be because I am a counsellor?

Original review: https://www.netgalley.co.uk/book/234826/review/481073

NetGalley review - 09 Sep, 2021

It's December 23rd and Ed is waiting at the airport, for Lily, so they can spend Christmas in Iceland. The chaptersthat are in the present go hour by half-hour on the journey with Ed and Lily as they try and meet up before the plane takes off. We also go back to 2012 when Ed and Lily first meet at his brother, Kit's, birthday party. Lily is best friends with Kit's girlfriend, Anisia. I absolutely adored Kit and Ed's Uncle Martian. I so wish there was a lot more of him in the book.

I loved Ed and Lily's meet cute and backstory and was so sad reading their present, they both seemed so unsure of themselves and each other...but you could still feel the love. I loved how quirky Lily is as she is an entertainer/dance teacher and busker when they first meet. But she is also working for a charity that helps with medical supplies for war torn countries overseas.

I loved this book so much, it wasn't just a romance but a take on life in general. Yes we learn all about Ed and Lily's relationship...but this book is about so much more than that. It's about taking chances, growing up, learning from your mistakes and relationships in general, not just romantic ones. I am really surprised I came across this book accidentally as it is an excellent read, an amazing debut and I enjoyed it so, so much.

Original review: https://www.netgalley.co.uk/book/234826/review/669511

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