Format: Hardback
Publication Date: 28 Jul 2015
Categories: Young Children
ISBN: 9781910508855Following their incredible ninth-century Viking adventure on their last visit to Ormsthorpe, Harriet, Jake and Mathew return to their grandmother for Christmas and, while visiting Ulfsthwaite Christmas market, find themselves embarking on another time-travel escapade. This time they are transported back to the year 1388, where they find themselves charged with foiling an evil plot to disgrace the lord of the manor, Duke Leofrik, and his family.
Centred on a colourful and spectacular jousting tournament in the grounds of Ormsthorpe Castle, this fast-paced adventure story is full of nail-biting suspense. Will the wicked Duke Edmund and his family succeed in their plot to poison Baron Rulf’s hunting dogs? Will they sabotage Duke Leofrik’s knights’ jousting armour, causing them to be badly injured or killed? Can Duke Edmund snatch the title of Lord of Ormsthorpe Castle from Baron Rulf? Or will the three young but intrepid time travellers foil the plot before they are whisked back to the twenty-first century?
Packed full of fascinating and gruesome detail about life in the Middle Ages, this exciting page-turner will have you on the edge of your seat!
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