Jehovah's Wind

Jehovah's Wind

By Lewis Hinton

Format: Paperback

(2 customer reviews)

Publication Date: 28 Jun 2023


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Categories: Crime and Thrillers, Historical

ISBN: 9781915853042


An investigator unwillingly thrown into the search for a missing teenager must try to thwart an obsessive man from exploiting captured Nazi technology to achieve a twisted ambition…

It is the mid-summer of 1970, and Jack Sangster, special investigator for a philanthropic organisation dedicated to aiding troubled youngsters, and with a sleuthing talent for finding missing children, has been sent to a remote Dartmoor hotel, where a local boy has disappeared.

Already suspicious that the government is taking too intense an interest in the case, Sangster only becomes more apprehensive when the boy’s father, a scientist at a secretive nuclear facility, seems oddly indifferent to his son’s disappearance.

And as the case unfolds, this dilemma, a link to his own wartime past, as well as the evidence of his own eyes, all combine to conquer Sangster’s natural cynicism and bring home the implications of a discovery that could literally ‘change everything’.


Lewis Hinton was born in the Wirral, subsequently living in Sunderland, Truro, Rye, London, and Luxembourg. Married, with four children and three grandchildren, he now resides in Grasse. Lewis began his varied career at art school, finishing as a banking software company CEO, and travelling extensively along the way. Previously writing mainly non-fiction, Lewis now turns his hand to novels, scripts, and poetry.


Richard - 10 Jul, 2023

A detective who hunts missing children, a period setting (1970), a great location (Dartmoor), and captured Nazi technology. According to the blurb what's not to like?

Well... nothing it turned out. This book really lived up to expectations, and I found it incredibly easy to read. That's not a criticism, just a reflection of an author that knows their audience. I won't give away the plot, but suffice it to say there was great suspense build up leading to a dramatic ending that I definitely wasn't expecting, with lots of fascinating characters, history and location details thrown in along the way.

Jehovah's Wind left me wanting to know more about the main character, Jack Sangster, so I'll certainly check out the other two books in this series, The Face Stone and Angel's Blade.

Sandy G. - 04 Jul, 2023

Having enjoyed The Face Stone and Angel's Blade, I was really looking forward to joining Jack Sangster on his next adventure, so pre-ordered Jehovah's Wind and waited excitedly for it to arrive in the post (I prefer paperbacks to e-books). I was not disappointed. Jehovah's Wind is a real page turner and really easy to read. The fast paced plot includes elements of history, folklore, and even fantastical science.

As ever, Hinton effortlessly transports the reader back to the England of over fifty years ago, with spot on dialogue and nice prose that ranges from the humorous to the downright dramatic. The location descriptions, such as those of Dartmoor, are vividly detailed, and I found myself not just reading the story but immersed in it, walking with Sangster every step of the way. The book includes an array of interesting and often eccentrically named people, and it was fascinating to watch their characters unfold, and see them eliminated as suspects one by one.

I also enjoyed learning more about Sangster's background through the story's opening, set in Ireland during the Second World War. And the central plot, whilst fantastical, does seem based on solid history and science, which I liked.

All in all, I found Jehovah's Wind a great read, and would recommend this book to anyone who likes a mystery mixed with history, and especially to anyone who knows Dartmoor.

Other books by Lewis Hinton

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