Robins in My Kitchen


Robins in My Kitchen

By Bryony Hill

Publication Date: 28 Nov 2024

ISBN: 9781835740965
eISBN: 9781835742228


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It all began one late spring morning when a robin unexpectedly fluttered into Bryony’s bedroom. Unfazed, it perched on her dressing table briefly before flitting from room to room, eventually leaving through the kitchen window.

With each passing day, the visits of the robin grew more frequent, its boldness evident as it fearlessly explored its surroundings. Soon, it began bringing moss and leaves to the kitchen window. With each further visit, more nesting materials would appear on the work surfaces or dropped onto the kitchen tiles. Then, one morning, Bryony heard scuffling and rustling noises as the robin began building a nest in the kitchen on the shelf of a pine dresser.

Bryony found herself drawn into the remarkable journey of the robin. She witnessed the little bird’s unwavering dedication, and a few weeks later, four delicate eggs appeared. What followed was one of the most extraordinary experiences of Bryony’s life; as she observed the hatchlings grow under the vigilant care of their parents until one day, under the watchful eye of the father, Bryony released the fledglings into her garden.


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