English, Solitaire, Cowboy, Cuckoo...

English, Solitaire, Cowboy, Cuckoo...

By Mike Leaver

Publication Date: 28 Aug 2024


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Categories: Autobiography

ISBN: 9781835740293
eISBN: 9781835741641


This bizarre-but-true autobiography chronicles Mike Leaver's madcap travels and death-defying misadventures as a solo mountaineer.

In pioneering Eddie-The-Eagle style, Mike overcomes childhood illness, climbing Birmingham's post-war bombsites, to build lifelong resilience to endure alone in often wild and perilous environments. 

Ride with Mike on his adapted motorbike as he tackles serious winter climbing in Snowdonia (featuring a miraculous, split-second rescue), the Lake District (getting hopelessly lost), and the Ben Nevis massif (with a Hogmanay Party on summit). Then brave a classic 1970s Brit-abroad road trip to the French Alps – scaling icy Mont Blanc rock unroped, wearing a yellow crash helmet, and using nine-inch nails inside glaciers!

Join Mike in his self-converted truck as he travels to North Africa, walks across the Sahara Desert to swim in the Atlantic, and climbs the tallest mountain in Morocco's High Atlas in unexpected snow! Share his epic driving escapade to the High Arctic's winter wilderness: barely surviving Scandinavia's three highest peaks in Finland, Sweden, and Norway, and crawling frozen back to his lorry!

Now a retired handyman and author, Mike enjoys his lorry-home lifestyle in a pretty Snowdonia town, while promoting more leisurely mountaineering, potholing, and sailing for older folk!



Mike Leaver lives off-grid in a self-converted, static truck in Snowdonia. In just four years, he has written his two-part autobiography and first three saga novels – all largely on an old laptop by candlelight in his lorry! Like Alan Bennett's London character The Lady in The Van,  71-year-old Mike has become a well-known eccentric around his adopted home in North Wales, and throughout the UK, thanks to media publicity. He enjoys outdoor adventure, table tennis, and chess.


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