Young children
Don’t Look Back tells the true story of escape, adventure and freedom. It teaches young readers about people risking everything to escape to a better life.
Don’t Look Back tells the true story of escape, adventure and freedom.
When Anthony and his parents leave their house with just a small bag and Anthony’s teddy bear, it looks as though they are going out for a couple of hours. Yet they are leaving forever. Their journey takes them through a forest, where they have to overcome challenges and face their fears.
Will they all make it out safely?
This true story teaches young readers about people risking everything to escape to a better life.
Here's what readers have to say about this book....
Don’t Look Back- an excellent book. Adults in family I read it twice and found it very moving. Such bravery! Wills (12)devoured it, plus notes at the back, and really enjoyed it (if that’s the right expression).Lots of conversation followed. Fred (10)said he got so lost (meant absorbed) that forgot he was reading a book. Would also like to mention the very simple but appropriate illustrations that carry the story along, not just there to look pretty. Should be on every Year 6 class book shelf . Well done Becca- more please!
What a beautiful book! Full of heart and creativity and so well written. My kids (and I!) loved it. An absolute must.
This is a wonderful, inspiring and magical book for young and not so young readers. I found it thought provoking and brought a lump to my throat. It is so well written and illustrated and I am sure young readers will love it.
I really enjoyed this book. And I'm an adult! (allegedly) The book is an adventure story, which tells of the daring escape of a couple and their very young baby from a country that has been occupied by a hostile foreign power which oppresses the native people and suppresses their human rights. The book is written in simple, direct language which, together with the striking illustrations (also done by the author), will surely captivate and engross children in the adventure story. Right now, when the plight of refugees is shown everyday on our TV screens, this is surely a story for our time, and one told so simply and yet so powerfully that it must surely plant and foster that seed of compassion in a child, that empathy for others, that is so needed in our troubled world today.
As a retired Literacy coordinator I can't recommend this lovely book highly enough. There is a real need in our schools for relevant texts for our many children fleeing the horrors of war and turmoil It is beautifully illustrated by the author who also provides the accessible text and is a must in our classrooms and libraries