The See-Saw Tree


The See-Saw Tree

By David Wood and David Wood

Publication Date: 28 Mar 2023

ISBN: 9781914471070
hISBN: 9781914471070
aISBN: 9781915853486



“That tree has a history. In the old days people called it the See-Saw Tree. One of its branches grew straight out, near to the ground. Children used to balance a plank over the branch and use it as a see-saw. The villagers loved that oak. And the See-Saw Tree was itself like a village. A living community of animals, birds and insects, going about their daily business. It still is. Just imagine how that community will feel should it be threatened. Just imagine what might happen if any of the Council’s plans went ahead and they cut down that oak tree, that special oak tree. Just imagine, just imagine …”
So says young eco-activist Elizabeth Green in her passionate speech against the felling of an ancient oak tree to make way for a new supermarket and children’s play area. 
She imagines the situation from the point of view of the creatures who live on and around the tree, who, thanks to the corporate greed of human beings, are now in danger of losing their much-loved home. The daily lives of tree residents, Owl, Squirrel, Mistlethrush, Dunnock and Bat, along with visitors Jay and Cuckoo, and Rabbit, whose burrow is nearby, are thrown into turmoil by the arrival of the Big Ones, the chainsaw-wielding human agents of destruction.
Can the creatures beat the impossible odds and save their home – the See-Saw Tree?


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